Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is anyone sleeping?

Well hello everyone,
Looks like I didn't quite make my writing a weekly event, but I get an A for effort.  I have been running a lot of meals in to WFHS for the drama group.  The family's bring in items from a themed menu plan so that the actors get a "home cooked meal" while they are spending long hours practicing.  Meanwhile, one has to plan a home cooked meal for those who are actually in the home as well.  It makes for an interesting juggling act, most nights.  The other night I had trouble sleeping so I almost fell asleep on my way in.  While most of me is having some trouble sleeping, my arms are catching lots of zzzzz's.  That happens to be the problem.  My arms fall asleep and it takes me about 10 minutes to get the needles worked out.  It's pretty frustrating.  I've tried the chiropractor, the acupunturist and exercises from Pain Free book.  While they all help a little, it continues to happen and I wake up, Hag of the West.  So, we'll see what western medicine has to say tomorrow morning at 7:30 am.  I guess that is their way of punishing my lack of making me wake up EXTRA early.  Ha!  I'll let you know how it turns out.  : )  

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi Krystal :) Hope you were able to get some sleep and all goes well at your appointment. I am awake bright and early because someone (Caitlyn?) was playing with my alarm clock and set it one hour ahead, so I jumped out of bed when I realized the time said 7:17. I took the fastest shower in record and started running through the house yelling for children to wake up. To which I was it is only 6:30! Which means I had some time to find your blog this morning and hopefully everyone will actually be on time for a change! Although I haven't ran into yet for drama meals I am sure I will soon and if not then at the actual show. I am still planning to take you up on lunch so hopefully we will be able to come up with a date/time. Take care and sending lots of love/hugs your way! ~Lisa